Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Marvel Heroes MMO!

So today I was sitting in class bored, so I decided to go on twitter to and read a tweet about a Marvel MMO game so I quickly started to google and found out that Marvel is making a MMO game called Marvel Heroes.

I am a huge Marvel fan and this just got me too excited!
From what I found out there is no release date given till now but here is a few things about the game. Marvel Heroes is going to be a free to play MMO action RPG. The game play is going to be similar to Diablo III but with Marvel's super heroes. I think you will get to choose any of their heroes. Not just a few. Like Ironman, Thor, Spiderman, Anyone from the X-men, Fantastic 4 so you can most likely pick any of your favorite!

I will write more about this game once they give a release date and more information!!

These are the sites for more information:


  1. wooow awesome 0_0
    bs enshalah ma6awel 3ala matnzel l2ana shklha m6wla

    1. Yeah inshallah but they still didn't say when it will be out -.- so I think ra7 e6awel
